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Reach out to Representatives and Ask Them to Sponsor HR 618 Today!!!!!

Posted 6 months ago by Amy Baird

Reach out to a Representative about HB 618 Today!
Did you know that right now federal employees who are injured while working and qualify for federal workers' compensation coverage, cannot receive treatment overseen by a PA?
AAPA has asked us to reach out to our representatives to ask them to cosponsor H.R. 618 TODAY.
Federal Advocacy staff is working with our Congressional champions to increase support for H.R. 618, The Improving Access to Workers’ Compensation for Injured Federal Workers Act, and Members of Congress need to hear from you as to why this legislation is important, and why they should co-sponsor it. As part of our advocacy strategy, AAPA is targeting specific members of Congress, and as their constituent, you are a critical member of the team!
What is HR 618?
Currently, federal employees who are injured while working and qualify for federal workers compensation coverage, cannot receive treatment overseen by a PA.
This undue and burdensome restriction on PAs harms federal workers, limits their access to, and disrupts the continuity of high-quality care. H.R. 618 was re-introduced in this Congress by Reps. Tim Walberg (R-MI) and Joe Courtney (D-CT) and Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) in the Senate. The legislation passed the House of Representatives on an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote in 2022, but ultimately, the clock ran out on the 117th Congress before it could pass the Senate. Thankfully, we have another chance, but we need your help!
How Do I Take Action?
**To Take Action: navigate to AAPA’s Advocacy Action Center here:
Open the first alert, Allowing PAs to Provide Care to Federal Workers Injured on the Job. Click the envelope icon to quickly and easily personalize and send an email directly to your legislator.**
Members of Congress need to hear from you, their constituents, about what is important to you and what they should support here in Washington. Please ask your Member of Congress to cosponsor H.R. 618 TODAY.