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Final Call for Award Nominations by March 12th and President's Message from Alan Bybee

Posted about 2 months ago by Amy Baird

It is hard to believe it is March, especially with the 9 inches of snow I cleared from my driveway yesterday!  However, it is March, and it is time for our annual Red Rock Continuing Medical Education conference in St. George which is being held at the Dixie Convention Center March 21-March 23. It has been a UAPA tradition to present the Annual Awards of Excellence in conjunction with our designated membership meeting at this conference.  

Importance of Service Awards

Service awards play a crucial role in professional associations, serving as a means of recognizing and honoring members for their contributions, achievements, and dedication to the profession. In the context of professional associations, where members often volunteer their time and expertise to advance the profession and support fellow members, service awards hold particular significance. 

Whether through leadership roles, volunteer work, or providing medical care in a rural or underserved area, these awards highlight the commitment and effort individuals have invested in furthering the values of the PA profession. Such recognition not only honors the recipients but also reinforces the positive changes they have made to humanity, to their communities and to their profession. By publicly acknowledging and celebrating the contributions of our members, these awards foster a sense of belonging and appreciation within Utah Academy of Physician Assistants. When individuals see their peers being recognized for their service and dedication, it serves as a positive reinforcement of the value and impact of serving others selflessly as a leader and or a medical provider. 

Final Call for Nomination

I am extending to you a final call for UAPA members to have a voice in the Awards of Excellence.

Please take a few minutes and review the desired qualifications for the following awards at the link below. If you know of someone that would be deserving of one of these awards please submit their nomination using the form within the link. 

In order to meet our timeline to have the awards engraved it is essential that we have all nominations in by March 12, 2024 

Thanks for all that each of you do for your profession and for our great academy! 


Alan N. Bybee MPA PA-C 

President Utah Academy of Physician Assistants