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Interested in Joining UAPA Leadership Team? Register Your Interest by Wednesday, April 10th

Posted 27 days ago by Amy Baird

Join the UAPA Team

Wednesday, April 10th is the final day to register your interest in serving in a UAPA Leadership role. Elections will begin on the 15th. Here is more information about the different positions:

President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Academy and at all meetings of the Board of Directors. The President shall appoint standing and ad hoc committees. The President shall designate a chairperson and assign Members at Large to a committee subject to the approval of the Board. The President shall be the official spokesperson of the Academy and shall designate other spokespersons in his/her absence.  The President shall also act as the first alternate delegate to the AAPA House of Delegates.

Secretary: The Secretary is responsible for minutes of all business meetings of the organization, and is responsible for Board communication and documents of the Academy and to assure notification of members of all meetings.Delegate: Delegates represent UAPA at the AAPA House of Delegates meetings. 

Members at Large: Members at Large serve as the spokesperson for the UAPA members living in their area. They present concerns to the board. They also help distribute information to UAPA members in their area through planning townhall meetings. 

If you are interested in serving, please email